
American Longshore Mutual Association, Ltd. (ALMA) is domiciled in Bermuda and is authorized by the U.S. Department of Labor as a group self-insurance fund to provide coverage for the liabilities of its members under the United States Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (USL&H). Established in 1997, ALMA can also provide employers’ liability protection (including incidental Maritime Employers Liability) to its members in respect of employees subject to USL&H. ALMA is managed by The American Equity Underwriters Management, Ltd., a Bermuda Corporation, with administration services such as claims management, loss control, longshore consulting and other needed assistance in the U.S. provided through The American Equity Underwriters, Inc. (AEU)

ALMA’s mission is to provide innovative programs and services through specialists focused on minimizing the cost of our members’ USL&H workers’ compensation coverage.

To contact someone at AEU about ALMA or to request a copy of our most recent annual report, please complete the form below. To learn more about AEU, visit