AEU Safety Awards

Our annual safety awards program recognizes the best in safety from across the maritime industry.

Going above and beyond to keep workers safe is worth celebrating.

Since 2007, AEU has annually recognized the ALMA members with the most effective safety programs. The awards are based on calendar year and are acknowledged at various AEU events the following year including the annual ALMA Conference. 

While there are many safety award programs managed by various industry or trade associations in maritime, the criteria used in the AEU Safety Award program are the most effective in measuring incident prevention performance and specific management-based controls.   

Safety Award Program Selection Criteria

Frequency of lost time cases

A ratio of the number of lost-time cases compared to the member’s payroll for the calendar year.

Severity of lost-time cases

A ratio of the total incurred losses from lost-time cases compared to the member’s payroll for the calendar year. 

AEU Safety Benchmark® for the calendar year (where applicable)

After each AEU Loss Control inspection, our loss control staff provides the member with metrics related to their management commitment, supervisor participation in the safety program, the effectiveness of the safety staff and compliance with previous AEU loss control recommendations. These metrics combine to make up the member’s overall AEU Safety Benchmark.